UP Health System provides comprehensive consultative, diagnostic and therapeutic services for patients suffering from a wide range of respiratory diseases and conditions. These may include, but are not limited to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, lung cancer, interstitial lung disease, pulmonary hypertension, etc.
Take a Lung Health Assessment
If you have questions about your lung health, start with an assessment and learn more about any risks you may have for pulmonary-related conditions.
Respiratory Medicine Locations
Respiratory Medicine Providers
This clinic is a department of UP Health System. When you see a physician or receive services in a provider-based clinic, you are technically being treated in an outpatient department of the hospital rather than the physician’s office. Please refer to “Understanding your Healthcare Costs” to learn how your bill may be affected when seen by a provider in a provider-based clinic.
Understanding Your Healthcare Costs
Provider-Based Clinics - You may see a charge on your bill for the equipment, supplies, and services provided in one of our provider-based clinics.